[MAIN] CREWD0 // 0xf2d790a2: WAR DRUM STUDIOS CREWD1 // 0x85d0a034: CEO CREWD2 // 0x1cd9f18e: Thomas Williamson CREWD3 // 0x6bdec118: CTO CREWD4 // 0xf5ba54bb: Michael Owen CREWD5 // 0x82bd642d: Tom DiCesare CREWD6 // 0x1bb43597: James Halen CREWD7 // 0x6cb30501: Artist CREWD8 // 0xfc0c1890: Morgan Hughes CREWD9 // 0x8b0b2806: Vince Mohan CREWD10 // 0x07e814b9: Kristin Samuel CREWD11 // 0x70ef242f: Christopher Marchini CREWD12 // 0xe9e67595: Abner Williamson FEM_SL9 // 0x44e360f9: Empty Slot 0x2a25137c // 0x2a25137c: Checkpoint Save Not Present FEC_ADJ // 0xe5a40308: Change Button Position FET_NOT // 0x25c3eb0f: Not Set FET_DIG // 0xfab08881: Buttons FET_ALG // 0x810cbe2f: Analog 0x2b784461 // 0x2b784461: Experimental FEC_STE // 0x207b7bd6: Touch Steering FEC_TOU // 0x91b5b6ad: Touch Layout FET_TCH // 0x8cc6deea: Touch FET_TST // 0xd20590f4: Total Steer FET_FLI // 0x63fb85ad: Flick FEO_GAM // 0xc7caf35d: Game MOB_TRA // 0xeaff50e0: Traffic Mode FEG_CLA // 0x4cab2226: Classic FEG_LIG // 0xd3e3346b: Light FEG_HEA // 0x913c768e: Heavy 0x43e99052 // 0x43e99052: Marketing MM_MJMP // 0x74059dda: Mission Jump MM_CHET // 0x58ea7096: Cheats MM_WEA1 // 0xd6fd73de: Waepons Cheat MM_WEA2 // 0x4ff42264: More Waepons Cheat MM_WEA3 // 0x38f312f2: Even More Waepons Cheat MC_CRHV // 0x28f12821: Car hover MC_ARMR // 0xf8e2d0f6: Body Armor MC_SLO // 0xa593b662: Slow Motion FM_MC1 // 0x56f9364e: Weapons FM_MC2 // 0xcff067f4: More Weapons FM_MC3 // 0xb8f75762: Even More Weapons FM_MC4 // 0x2693c2c1: Drive On Water FM_MC5 // 0x5194f257: Armour FM_MC6 // 0xc89da3ed: Slow Time FM_MC7 // 0xbf9a937b: Wanted Level Up 2 FM_MC8 // 0x2f258eea: Wanted Level Down 2 FM_MC9 // 0x5822be7c: Black Cars FM_MC10 // 0xb7eba50d: Pink Cars FM_MC11 // 0xc0ec959b: Exploding Cars FM_MC12 // 0x59e5c421: Mayhem FM_MC13 // 0x2ee2f4b7: Play As Lance FM_MC14 // 0xb0866114: Play As Candy FM_MC15 // 0xc7815182: Play As Ken FM_MC16 // 0x5e880038: Play As Hilary FM_MC17 // 0x298f30ae: Play As Jezz FM_MC18 // 0xb9302d3f: Play As Phil FM_MC19 // 0xce371da9: Play As Sonny FM_MC20 // 0x9cc6f6ce: Play as Mercedes FM_MC21 // 0xebc1c658: Play As Dick FM_MC22 // 0x72c897e2: Play As Diaz FM_MC23 // 0x05cfa774: Fast Time FM_MC24 // 0x9bab32d7: Sunny Weather FM_MC25 // 0xecac0241: Cloudy Weather FM_MC26 // 0x75a553fb: Rainy Weather FM_MC27 // 0x02a2636d: Foggy Weather FM_MC28 // 0x921d7efc: Rhino! HUD_FOT // 0x18d954f3: ON FOOT CONTROLS HUD_VEH // 0xea114346: IN VEHICLE CONTROLS HUD_DEF // 0x120b195f: RESET TO DEFAULT HUD_SAV // 0x72b979ca: Save HUD_CAN // 0x7df342ec: Cancel HUD_OVR // 0x656b6351: You have overlapping buttons. Please fix this to continue. CHT_GAM // 0x3e5c69b7: Game Cheats CHT_CAR // 0xb45dcc9e: Car Cheat CHT_MJ0 // 0xfe8b382b: Mission Jump 1 CHT_MJ1 // 0x898c08bd: Mission Jump 2 CHT_MJ2 // 0x10855907: Odd jobs CHT_MJ3 // 0x67826991: Cut Scene 1 CHT_MJ4 // 0xf9e6fc32: Cut Scene 2 CHT_MJ5 // 0x8ee1cca4: SC Stuff CHT_FPS // 0x96481df3: Show FPS/Position FEM_NC // 0x889efbd8: Cloud Not Available FEM_CS7 // 0x7227e010: Empty Cloud Slot FEM_CS8 // 0xe298fd81: Empty Cloud Slot FEH_SHP // 0xdc01f371: Shop Rockstar SHP_YES // 0x24d925a4: Make sure you save your progress.~n~ Do you want to open the shop? LOMEM // 0x9a886d3f: San Andreas takes a lot of memory. For best results please reset your device before playing. FEH_RTE // 0x566920f0: Rate GTA San Andreas SA_RATE // 0xc6d45fe9: If you enjoy playing GTA San Andreas, please take a moment to rate it. Thank you for your support!! FET_CDT // 0xceefa197: Credits MOB_VS // 0x6f268bd1: Visual Effects MOB_VS0 // 0xd762f465: Low MOB_VS1 // 0xa065c4f3: Medium MOB_VS2 // 0x396c9549: High MOB_VS3 // 0x4e6ba5df: Max MOB_RES // 0x1848d98c: Resolution MOB_DD // 0x94017ec5: Draw Distance MOB_SH // 0x9834b678: Shadows MOB_SHA // 0x5f9dbcbe: Advanced MOB_LAN // 0x099afe2b: Lane Correction MOB_TAR // 0x0fae50ac: Targeting Mode MOB_FREE // 0x382af227: Free Aim MOB_LOCK // 0xf28ba8e1: Lock On MOB_CLA // 0x27d7daca: CLASSIC MOB_ADA // 0xec8a84ac: ADAPTED MOB_ACC // 0x4dc57347: Accelerometer MOB_CAM // 0x9bcfe8ac: Camera Height MOB_LOW // 0xf3727b65: Low MOB_HIG // 0xbf96645b: High MOB_BIK // 0xbbb7ada6: Analog Bike Steering MOB_HUD // 0xc0e868bc: HUD MODE MOB_SIM // 0x4f30c1d4: Simulation Speed MOB_CIN // 0xca1f331e: Cinematic Cam MOB_DEB // 0x6a5326bc: Debug Cam MOB_ANA // 0x16656c26: Analog Sensitivity MOB_SUB // 0x39f88118: Subtitles FEL_RUS // 0x4e260220: RUSSIAN FEL_JPN // 0x42626874: JAPANESE FEL_KOR // 0x9afb5092: Korean STR_HEA // 0xc4500c2b: Select a Steering Method STR_TXT // 0x43dddec8: These options can be changed in the Redefine Controls Menu STR_A // 0x51c1ef4f: Analog STR_B // 0xc8c8bef5: Buttons STR_F // 0xcfa57aec: Flick STR_ANA // 0x2875ee6f: Placing your thumb on the lower left corner of the screen will show an analog stick. Sensitivity can be set in the Redefine Controls Menu. STR_BUT // 0xeed87f47: Digital Buttons are used to control a vehicle. These can be resized and moved in the Redefine Controls Menu. STR_FLI // 0x11d7125a: Use quick finger flicks in the lower left corner of the screen to control a vehicle. TOU_HEA // 0xdac61ced: Choose a Touch Layout TOU_C // 0x8fb89468: Classic TOU_A // 0x61b6f544: Adapted TOU_CLA // 0x07514845: Use a button layout similar to Vice City and GTA III. TOU_ADV // 0x4fdf93e4: Use corners of the screen in place of the most common buttons. CAR_REF // 0x7f40b0c8: Car Reflections CRF_LV1 // 0xd654dac8: Low CRF_LV2 // 0x4f5d8b72: Detailed CRF_LV3 // 0x385abbe4: Max FEH_SC // 0x402c67f6: Social Club CKP_SAV // 0xdc027f99: Checkpoint Save FESZ_RM // 0x26decab6: Retry From Last Checkpoint? FESZ_MF // 0x7c561da0: Mission Failed START // 0x97d268c0: Start MOB_RTD // 0xc8427f5b: Restore Defaults MOB_ASV // 0x6ada85fd: Autosave: 0x2a2f496c // 0x2a2f496c: Continue EXIT // 0x5d639645: Exit WTF // 0x2825622d: Results KEY_ESC // 0xd5757905: ESC KEY_F1 // 0x9da9b2d6: F1 KEY_F2 // 0x04a0e36c: F3 KEY_F3 // 0x73a7d3fa: F3 KEY_F4 // 0xedc34659: F4 KEY_F5 // 0x9ac476cf: F KEY_F6 // 0x03cd2775: F6 KEY_F7 // 0x74ca17e3: F7 KEY_F8 // 0xe4750a72: F8 KEY_F9 // 0x93723ae4: F9 KEY_F10 // 0x49f4eeff: F10 KEY_F11 // 0x3ef3de69: F11 KEY_F12 // 0xa7fa8fd3: F12 KEY_TLD // 0x9baf2b7f: TILDE KEY_0 // 0xc2a3adbd: 0 KEY_1 // 0xb5a49d2b: 1 KEY_2 // 0x2cadcc91: 2 KEY_3 // 0x5baafc07: 3 KEY_4 // 0xc5ce69a4: 4 KEY_5 // 0xb2c95932: 5 KEY_6 // 0x2bc00888: 6 KEY_7 // 0x5cc7381e: 7 KEY_8 // 0xcc78258f: 8 KEY_9 // 0xbb7f1519: 9 KEY_MNS // 0x39bd54c5: - KEY_EQS // 0xfaf40be3: = KEY_BSP // 0x54842e5e: BACKSPACE KEY_TAB // 0xc762f007: TAB KEY_Q // 0xf816fc73: Q KEY_W // 0x11755946: W KEY_E // 0xe2cc280e: E KEY_R // 0x611fadc9: R KEY_T // 0x887c08fc: T KEY_Y // 0xf6cd7441: Y KEY_U // 0xff7b386a: U KEY_I // 0xeb7a6425: I KEY_O // 0x0219c110: O KEY_P // 0x8f11cce5: P KEY_LBK // 0x87a6e9a8: BRACKET KEY_RBK // 0x911e67d2: BRACKET KEY_BSH // 0x47e8b608: \ KEY_CPL // 0x6a6a4be5: CAPS LOCK KEY_A // 0xe5a1ec17: A KEY_S // 0x16189d5f: S KEY_D // 0x95cb1898: D KEY_F // 0x7bc579b4: F KEY_G // 0x0cc24922: G KEY_H // 0x9c7d54b3: H KEY_J // 0x7273359f: J KEY_K // 0x05740509: K KEY_L // 0x9b1090aa: L KEY_SEM // 0x36fe3e17: ; KEY_APO // 0xf0e7ce31: ' KEY_ETR // 0xf084cf30: ENTER KEY_LSH // 0x4d769b02: SHIFT KEY_Z // 0x6fc425fb: Z KEY_X // 0x81ca44d7: X KEY_C // 0x0baf8d3b: C KEY_V // 0x667269d0: V KEY_B // 0x7ca8bdad: B KEY_N // 0x751ef186: N KEY_M // 0xec17a03c: M KEY_CMA // 0xebb75b44: , KEY_PER // 0xb9b08dbb: . KEY_FSL // 0x478cdacd: / KEY_RSH // 0x5bce1578: SHIFT KEY_LCT // 0x13b5d51c: LCTRL KEY_LAL // 0x32ef2fc8: LALT KEY_SPC // 0xe6f3f504: SPACE KEY_RAL // 0x2457a1b2: RALT KEY_RCT // 0x050d5b66: RCTRL KEY_PSC // 0xcf98189e: PRINTSCREEN KEY_PAU // 0x43b8dd1c: PAUSE KEY_INS // 0x3eb4fc19: INSERT KEY_DEL // 0x5890bb74: DELETE KEY_HOM // 0xdc629a0c: HOME KEY_END // 0xb47d80ba: END KEY_PUP // 0x1d7cfec6: PAGE UP KEY_PDN // 0xb4aae0b5: PAGE_DOWN KEY_ARU // 0x3fb355c9: UP ARROW KEY_ARD // 0x5503753b: DOWN ARROW KEY_ARL // 0x5bd8fd09: LEFT ARROW KEY_ARR // 0xa1d7c06a: RIGHT ARROW KEY_DIV // 0x09470d02: \ KEY_MUL // 0x1d8392aa: * KEY_MIN // 0x15faaedb: - KEY_NM7 // 0x5a091c1e: 7 KEY_NM8 // 0xcab6018f: 8 KEY_NM9 // 0xbdb13119: 9 KEY_PLS // 0x1f750664: + KEY_NM4 // 0xc3004da4: 4 KEY_NM5 // 0xb4077d32: 5 KEY_NM6 // 0x2d0e2c88: 6 KEY_NM1 // 0xb36ab92b: 1 KEY_NM2 // 0x2a63e891: 2 KEY_NM3 // 0x5d64d807: 3 KEY_NM0 // 0xc46d89bd: 0 KEY_NPR // 0x98bde5d5: . KEY_UNK // 0x38e43e5b: ERROR UNKNOWN KEY TAP_CNT // 0xaa50202c: Tap to Continue MOB_SCI // 0xb2b2ed47: Sign In to Social Club MOB_SCO // 0x5bd14872: Sign Out of Social Club MOB_DNL // 0x6e1fd270: Downloading game files.. Please wait. MOB_VWM // 0x9dba3ce0: Tap Map to View RAC_PTN // 0xbdefe6cc: POSITION RAC_LAP // 0x656967af: LAP RAC_TIM // 0xdc8373b6: TIME TIM_LEF // 0xc5621ecc: TIME LEFT MOB_TEL // 0x91cda8cb: Send Telemetry MOB_CSH // 0x93516cf0: ~w~To enable custom soundtracks, create a playlist titled ~g~GTASA~w~ and sync your device. Your music will appear in the mixtape radio station. MOB_JYX // 0x7bd8af91: Joypad X Sensitivity MOB_JYY // 0x0cdf9f07: Joypad Y Sensitivity MOB_TW1 // 0xc78dd599: Low Range Max % MOB_TW2 // 0x5e848423: Low Range Max Value MOB_VIB // 0xd9441eae: Vibration Feedback FES_SVF // 0xeba4df6c: Save failed! FES_RTY // 0x5558da2c: Please check you network connection.~N~ Do you want to resume the download? FES_DLE // 0xdbe9c1f8: Game Data Download Error AMMUTCH // 0xa77f779e: Tap a weapon type to select it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to proceed. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. AMMUHID // 0x411a892b: Use movement controls to select a weapon type. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to proceed. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. AMMTCH1 // 0xcc87b55d: Tap a weapon to select it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to preview. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. AMMHID1 // 0x776a97a0: Use movement controls to select a weapon. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to preview. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. SNIPERH // 0x5dc93472: To use the sniper rifle's scope tap ~m~~widget_enter_targeting~. Hold ~m~~widget_zoom_in~ and ~m~~widget_zoom_out~ to zoom. TATTOO1 // 0xa5085c1f: To select a body part, tap it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to proceed. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. TATTOO2 // 0x3c010da5: To select a tattoo, tap it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. TATTREM // 0x12aab9a1: To select a body part, tap it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to remove. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. RAD_TCH // 0xe426b3a3: Swipe the bottom left corner of the screen to change radio stations. RAD_HID // 0x02434d16: Tap ~m~~widget_swipe_radio_up~ and ~m~~widget_swipe_radio_down~ to change radio stations. FOODTCH // 0xbd758b81: Tap a meal to select it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. FOODHID // 0x5b107534: Use movement controls to select a meal. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. WARDHID // 0x38c3d00d: Use movement controls to select a clothing shop. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to advance. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. WARDTCH // 0xdea62eb8: Tap a clothing shop to select it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to advance. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. CLOTHID // 0xdfa57fa2: Use movement controls to select clothing. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to view. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to leave. CLOTTCH // 0x39c08117: To select an article of clothing, tap it. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to view. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to go back. REMOHID // 0xc4db3aee: Use movement controls to select a body part. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to remove. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to go back. REMOTCH // 0x22bec45b: Tap to select a body part. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to remove. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to go back. BARBBUY // 0xa0a888ea: Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to go back. MODHID // 0x1dadeaa1: Use the movement controls to select an upgrade. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. MODTCH // 0xfbc81414: Tap to select an upgrade. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to quit. MODHID1 // 0xf0123eae: Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. MODTCH1 // 0x4bff1c53: Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. MODHID2 // 0x691b6f14: Use the movement controls to select an area. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. MODTCH2 // 0xd2f64de9: Tap to select an area. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. MODHID3 // 0x1e1c5f82: Use the movement controls to select a color. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. MODTCH3 // 0xa5f17d7f: Tap to select a color. Tap ~m~~widget_store_buy~ to buy. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to go back. IE20HID // 0xe9dc350e: Use the movement controls to select a day. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. IE20TCH // 0x0fb9cbbb: Tap to to select a day. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. IE21HID // 0x5160526b: Use the movement controls to select a vehicle. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to exit. IE21TCH // 0xb705acde: Tap to to select a vehicle. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_back~ to exit. WOFTCH // 0xf38cfd62: Tap the screen to select a spot. Press and hold ~m~~widget_place_bet~ to increase wager. Press and hold ~m~~widget_remove_bet~ to decrease wager. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit. BJH1HID // 0x11534c2a: Press and hold ~m~~widget_place_bet~ to increase wager. Press and hold ~m~~widget_remove_bet~ to decrease wager. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit. WAGRHLP // 0x821ce084: Press and hold ~m~~widget_place_bet~ to increase wager. Press and hold ~m~~widget_remove_bet~ to decrease wager. Tap ~m~~widget_gambling_continue~ to continue. GYM1_T0 // 0xbfa4f004: Press and hold the bottom left corner of the screen and move your finger in a circular pattern to pedal. Tap ~m~~widget_gym_easier~ and ~m~~widget_gym_harder~ to change levels. To quit, press ~m~~widget_store_cancel~. GYM1_4T // 0x90863ee2: To begin running, rotate the movement controls quickly in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. GYMHID // 0x2e9ee46f: Use the movement controls to select a weight. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. GYMTCH // 0xc8fb1ada: Tap to select a weight. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. GYMHID2 // 0x15f4b3ad: Use the movement controls to select a level. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. GYMTCH2 // 0xae199150: Tap to select a level. Tap ~m~~widget_store_accept~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_store_cancel~ to exit. HELP31B // 0x644e466d: To do a drive-by, press ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_left~ or ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_right~. HELP3T // 0x1836388c: To do a drive-by, first look left or right by dragging your finger across the screen to adjust the camera. Then fire using ~m~~widget_attack~. HELP_41 // 0x91f8a0ea: Select Touch Layout. HELP_42 // 0x08f1f150: Select Steering Method. HELP_44 // 0xe1925465: The Steering Method can be changed at any time in Redefine Controls section of the Options Menu. HP27TCH // 0x67026b9e: Touch forward and back on the left side of the screen to shift your weight on the bike. HP27HIJ // 0x66dfb82c: Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_up~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_down~ to shift your weight on the bike. HP27HIK // 0x11d888ba: Push ~m~~widget_ped_move_left~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_right~, to shift your weight on the bike. HELP53T // 0xa621ed0c: Press the weapon icon in the upper right corner of the screen to cycle through your available weapons. HELP22 // 0xa5fccda0: The ANALOG BIKE STEERING option lets you use analog controls for bikes and motorcycles. HLP_KEY // 0x25e63186: Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_up~, ~m~~widget_ped_move_left~, ~m~~widget_ped_move_down~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_right~ to move Carl. HLP_JOY // 0xdecbb33b: Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move~ to move Carl. HLP_TCH // 0x0e7652bf: Touch the lower left corner of the screen to move Carl. CLSC_2F // 0x8cd71ee3: To pedal hold down ~m~~widget_accelerate~. ADPD_2F // 0x2d6ccfce: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to pedal. WZI2AP // 0x6eefb880: Hold down the right side of the screen to swim faster. WZI2_AQ // 0xb4dba090: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to swim faster. 0xc3dc9006 // 0xc3dc9006: Double tap the bottom left corner of the screen to dive underwater. WZI2APD // 0x9c67e911: Hold down the right side of the screen to swim around underwater. WZI2_AR // 0x2dd2f12a: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to swim around underwater. SLOT1D // 0x460add71: Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_start~ to use the slot machine $1. SLOT5D // 0x22661875: Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_start~ to use the slot machine $5. SLOT10D // 0x1da6720c: Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_start~ to use the slot machine $10. SLOT20D // 0x1fe0cc55: Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_start~ to use the slot machine $20. SLOT50D // 0x1aafdad0: Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_start~ to use the slot machine $50. SLOT_03 // 0x918e70b9: You don't have enough cash! PLA_MSG // 0xce4da91b: Tap ~m~~widget_gambling_continue~ to buy flight. Tap ~m~~widget_gambling_quit~ to leave. PLAMSG1 // 0xb52dbb29: Tap ~m~~widget_gambling_quit~ to leave. PJOB1 // 0x1d309830: Paintjob 1 PJOB2 // 0x8439c98a: Paintjob 2 PJOB3 // 0xf33ef91c: Paintjob 3 HELPAPD // 0xa6be0580: Walk into the red marker to continue. Press and hold the lower right corner of your screen to sprint. HLPMAPT // 0x9b65b1ed: Tap the Radar to access the Options. HLPMAPH // 0x8f64eda2: Press ~m~~widget_radar~ to access the Options. [BOAT] BOATHID // 0x4076b8d9: Hold ~m~~widget_accelerate~ to throttle forward and bring the boat to rest within the parallel ~y~buoys~s~ region. BOATAPD // 0xd4a72a4e: Press and hold the bottom right corner of the screen to throttle forward and bring the boat to rest within the parallel ~y~buoys~s~ region. BTHID1 // 0x251ed096: Navigate through each pair of ~y~buoys~s~. Throttle with ~m~~widget_accelerate~, and press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_left~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_right~ to steer. BTAPD1 // 0x4be107e3: Navigate through each pair of ~y~buoys~s~. Throttle by pressing the bottom right corner of the screen and steering left and right with the movement controls. BTAPD2 // 0xd2e85659: Navigate through each pair of ~y~buoys~s~. Throttle with ~m~~widget_accelerate~ and steer left or right with the movement controls. [BS] BS_A_2 // 0x64dca838: As you hold down ~m~~widget_handbrake~, steer left or right. BS_C_D // 0xde3ea85f: Do a Wheelie along the coned section. Accelerate to top speed, then double tap and hold the accelerator. BSCTCH // 0x3259e4fb: Do a Wheelie along the coned section. Accelerate to top speed, then press and hold downward on the bottom left corner of the screen. BSCHID // 0xd43c1a4e: Do a Wheelie along the coned section. Accelerate to top speed, then press and hold downward on the bottom left corner of the screen. BS_D_T // 0xc6c6aebe: ~s~Do a Stoppie along the coned section. Accelerate to top speed, press the movement controls up, then press and hold ~m~~widget_brake~. [CAT] CAT3_1T // 0x31c2533a: Look behind by pressing and holding the bottom center of the screen or use the camera movement controls to maneuver the camera for a better view. [DS] DSTART2 // 0xcfce6eef: Press and hold the bottom right side of the screen to begin. DS1_TO // 0xb2849125: ~s~Use the front wheel drive car to reverse then quickly spin around 180 degrees. Press and hold on an empty section of the screen to look behind. DS1TCH // 0x25366ff1: Do a barrel roll in mid air and land it perfectly. While in the air, release the accelerate button and press and hold the left side of the screen to one side to adjust the car's pitch. DS2TCH // 0x3783c01f: Do a barrel roll in mid air and land it perfectly. While in the air, release the accelerate button and press and hold ~m~~widget_vehicle_steer_left~ and ~m~~widget_vehicle_steer_right~ to adjust the car's pitch. DS1_89 // 0xc2aa6187: Steer left or right to begin the burnout. DS1_TCH // 0x9f04d678: Press and hold the right side of the screen and ~m~~widget_brake~ to begin. [DSERT5] DES5HID // 0x1b87fa01: Press and hold ~m~~widget_accelerate~ to accelerate along the runway. DES5TCH // 0xfde204b4: Press and hold the right side of the screen to accelerate along the runway. DES5_AE // 0xbd30f56a: Press and hold the movement controls to the left to bank round and head for the next ~y~corona. DES5_BE // 0x961da6a9: ~s~Hold the movement controls down and to the left to bank round and head for the next ~y~corona. DES5_EE // 0xd95c306e: Press and hold the movement controls to the right to bank round and head for the next ~y~corona. DES5_DE // 0xc047012f: ~s~Hold the movement controls down and to the right to bank round and head for the next ~y~corona. DESHID1 // 0x16d11389: Press and hold ~m~~widget_accelerate~ to maintain your height, keep the plane level and head for the first ~y~corona. DESAPD1 // 0x782ec4fc: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to maintain your height keep the plane level and head for the first ~y~corona. DES5_BT // 0xfcad865b: ~s~As soon as you hit the corona, push the movement controls downward to pull up quickly. Hold to do a loop-the-loop. DES5_DT // 0xaaf721dd: ~s~As soon as you hit the corona, push and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move~ leftward to do a barrel roll. DES5_CT // 0xe5b6b71a: ~s~As soon as you hit the corona, push and hold the movement controls leftward to do a barrel roll. DES5_BM // 0x98c62e9b: ~s~Push and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move~ leftward now. DES5_BN // 0x01cf7f21: ~s~Push and hold the movement controls leftward now. DES5_1P // 0xffd26877: ~s~When the plane's tail rises, pull back on ~m~~widget_ped_move~ to lift the nose and take off. DES5_1Q // 0x88d558e1: ~s~When the plane's tail rises, pull the movement controls downward to lift the nose and take off. DES5_1R // 0x11dc095b: ~s~Pull back on ~m~~widget_ped_move~ now. DES5_1S // 0x66db39cd: ~s~Pull the movement controls downward now. DES5_1K // 0x75b7a19b: ~s~Push up on ~m~~widget_ped_move~ to descend to the next ~y~corona. DES5_1L // 0xebd33438: ~s~Push up on the movement controls to descend to the next ~y~corona. DES5A1H // 0xfa067e5b: Steer upward and press and hold the bottom right corner of the screen to climb back up to the final ~y~corona. DES5_2M // 0xb7f9576d: ~s~Push and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move~ upward to keep the plane's nose down. DES5_2N // 0x2ef006d7: ~s~Push and hold the movement controls upward to keep the plane's nose down. DES5APD // 0x8f566896: Press and hold the right side of the screen to accelerate upward. DESAPD3 // 0x9620a5d0: Release the right side of the screen to stop rising and level off. DES5_7M // 0xca8ea328: ~s~Push and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move~ upward to tilt the helicopter up. DES5_7N // 0x5387f292: ~s~Push and hold the movement controls upward to tilt the helicopter up. DESAPD2 // 0xe1279546: Press and hold the right side of the screen to go forward and head for the ~y~corona. DESAPD8 // 0x01f27c58: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to maintain your forward speed. DESAPD4 // 0x08443073: If you start to descend too quickly, release ~m~~widget_brake~ and hold the right side of the screen to slow your descent. DESAPD5 // 0x7f4300e5: Press and hold ~m~~widget_brake~ to descend. Press the right side of the screen to ascend. DES5_AG // 0x533e9446: ~s~Pull back on ~m~~widget_ped_move~ now. DES5_AH // 0xc38189d7: ~s~Push the movement controls down now. DES5_TO // 0x6a50fa60: ~s~Double tap the center of the screen to open the parachute now. DES5_7Z // 0x495d26ef: ~s~If you need to bank, pull back on ~m~~widget_ped_move~ and steer either left or right. DES5_7Y // 0xd0547755: ~s~If you need to bank, pull back on the movement controls downward and steer either left or right. DES5HLP // 0x7c2ada39: Tap ~m~~widget_school_continue~ to retry. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit. DES5POO // 0xc83a76c7: Press and hold the bottom left corner of the screen to go clockwise. [DSERT8] DST8_2A // 0x2b8afe0d: Press and hold the lower right corner of your screen to increase thrust - this will make you ascend. DST8TCH // 0x6827e1ff: Use the movement controls to strafe while in the jetpack. DST8_49 // 0x230ea085: ~s~Go back and get the jetpack! [DSERT9] DESTCH // 0x5bb9325b: ~s~Double tap the center of the screen when falling to open the parachute. DESHID2 // 0x8fd84233: ~s~Press ~m~~widget_attack~ when falling to open the parachute. [HEIST1] HEI1_TO // 0x08c28860: ~s~Face the blueprints then tap ~m~~widget_enter_targeting~. Tap ~m~~widget_vc_shoot~ to take a photograph. [HEIST5] HM5_JET // 0xc01b0c94: You have to drop the jetpack to use the gun. [HEIST9] HM9_HD // 0xae87d487: ~s~Tap ~m~~widget_attack~ when falling to open the parachute. [INTRO1] INTRHID // 0x044678a8: Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_up~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_down~ to lean. INTRTCH // 0xe223861d: Press and hold the bottom left corner of the screen to lean. IN2DAPD // 0xf3976091: You can do a bunny hop by double tapping the lower right corner of the screen. [POOL] PLH4TCH // 0xe6f02c57: Slide your finger down on the screen and release to shoot. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to go back to aiming. PLH4HID // 0x0095d2e2: Tap ~m~~widget_attack~ to shoot. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to go back to aiming. PL_HID // 0x625d51aa: Use the movement controls to position the cue ball. Tap ~m~~widget_gambling_continue~ to continue. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit. [RYDER1] RYD_HID // 0xedc6cde0: Tap ~m~~widget_explicit_crouch~ to crouch and sneak around the house quietly. RYD_TCH // 0x0ba33355: Double tap the lower left corner of the screen to crouch and sneak around the house quietly. [SMOKE2] SMK2_HA // 0xe8f24eed: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to sprint. [SMOKE4] DGS1_HD // 0xd95f48e9: To look around on the bike use the camera controls. To fire tap ~m~~widget_attack~. [STRAP2] STP2HID // 0xab03cb16: Perform the stealth kill by moving slowly towards the guard while targeting him. Then tap ~m~~widget_attack~ when your arm is raised. [SWEET1] JMPADPT // 0x8bbb0e32: Stand in front of the fence and double tap the lower right corner of the screen to climb the fence. JMPHID // 0xa51349b1: Stand in front of the fence and press and hold ~m~~widget_sprint~ to climb the fence. JMPADP2 // 0x2f6aca5f: Stand in front of the wall and double tap the lower right corner of the screen to climb. JMPHID2 // 0x7414c1d3: Stand in front of the wall and press and hold ~m~~widget_sprint~ to climb. [SWEET2] HODHID // 0x4d607b12: Tap ~m~~widget_attack~ to fire. HODTCH // 0xab0585a7: Tap the screen to lock on to a target. Tap ~m~~widget_attack~ to fire. HOODHID // 0x0b2f0e69: While locked on you can cycle through targets by using ~m~~widget_look_left~ or ~m~~widget_look_right~. HOODTCH // 0xed4af0dc: While locked on you can cycle through targets by swiping the middle of the screen. 0x52957cff // 0x52957cff: You can increase your accuracy by crouching. Tap ~m~~widget_crouch~ to crouch. HO2FAPD // 0x34b5700b: You can increase your accuracy by crouching. Double tap the lower left corner of the screen to crouch. [SWEET5] SW5HID // 0xa76292f0: Use low walls and objects for cover. Tap ~m~~widget_crouch~ to crouch. SW5CLA // 0xa62a7ddb: Use low walls and objects for cover. Tap ~m~~widget_crouch~ to crouch. SW5APT // 0x2e041003: Use low walls and objects for cover. Double tap the lower left corner of the screen to crouch. [SWEET7] T661 // 0x62f0b07b: Tap ~m~~widget_gang_follow~ to instruct your gang to follow you or ~m~~widget_gang_hold~ to instruct them to stay in position. T662 // 0xfbf9e1c1: Holding ~m~~widget_gang_follow~ or ~m~~widget_gang_hold~ for a few seconds or moving too far away from them will disband your group. TWARHID // 0x8e96ce07: Target a gang member and tap ~m~~widget_gang_recruit~ to recruit him to your group. [TRU2] SYN3_2T // 0xb8e493e2: Tap ~m~~widget_enter_targeting~ to target using the rocket launcher. [WUZI2] WZI2_CA // 0x9b5ad276: Double tap the lower right corner of the screen to jump and climb out of the water. [ZERO4] Z4_APD // 0x9eb54b55: Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to increase the rotor speed of the helicopter. This will propel it upwards.